FPV Accessories

Discovering the Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

Ofdm Diagram

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a communication technology that uses orthogonal frequency-division signals. OFDM is often used in digital radio, Mondiale, digital audio broadcasting, and satellite radio. OFDM allows more data to send over the same bandwidth as single-frequency transmissions. It can improve the signal quality and enable more channels to transmit over broadcast frequencies.

And OFDM technology improves the transmission of data.

OFDM is a wireless technology that divides the RF spectrum into many small, overlapping channels. This technique, known to call quadrature modulation

This allows for more data to send over a single transmission channel. And it can improve the reliability and performance of wireless networks. 

This article will discuss some of the uses of OFDM and how it can benefit your business. We will also highlight some challenges you may face when implementing OFDM and offer tips on overcoming them.

What is OFDM?

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation technique that uses orthogonal frequency components to modulate data signals. 

OFDM is similar in principle to time-division multiplexing (TDM), but it uses multiple carrier frequencies instead of time slots. The advantage of OFDM is that it can provide greater capacity than TDM systems over long distances.

Applications of OFDM

There is a lot of modulation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). OFDM is used in various applications, including cellular systems (3GLTE, WiMAX), wireless local area networks (LANs), digital audio radio, underwater communication, and optical light modulation.

Applications of OFDM include broadband wireless access, digital television services, and mobile communications. In broadband wireless access, OFDM provides multiplexing and frequency reuse capability over wide bandwidths. In digital television services, OFDM also offers high-quality video over broadcast channels. And in mobile communications, we use OFDM to provide multiple channels over a single bandwidth.

How does OFDM Work?

OFDM is a modulation scheme that uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing to spread data over multiple radio frequencies. Recently many companies have used it in wireless communications, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, because it offers greater capacity than traditional transmission methods.

To understand how OFDM works, first imagine a radio wave. Radio waves are electric and magnetic fields that travel through the air as waves. The electric field oscillates at a specific frequency, while the magnetic field vibrates at a different frequency.

When two radios communicate, they send out radio waves at the same frequency. If the radios are far apart, the waves will overlap, and no information will be sent. But if the radios are close, they can send their waves at different frequencies so that only one wave reaches the other.

You can see this happen in an experiment called a crystal set. If you put two radios next to each other and turn them on, you’ll hear one station playing music while the other station talks. The two stations send their radio waves at different frequencies, so they don’t interfere with each other.

What are the benefits of using OFDM?

The main benefits of using OFDM are that it is a more efficient way to transmit data and can support a more significant number of users in a given area. Additionally, OFDM can be more resistant to interference than other communication methods.

OFDM has many benefits:

1. OFDM can transmit more data over the same spectrum as traditional methods.

2. OFDM is immune to multipath distortion, which reduces the quality of voice and video transmissions.

3. OFDM can reduce interference from other wireless devices close to the transmitter.

4. OFDM is less prone to breakage and errors than other modulation techniques

Advantages of OFDM over other wireless technologies

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a wireless technology that uses orthogonal signals to improve communication reliability. OFDM can be used in several applications, such as satellite communications, terrestrial mobile communications, and broadband internet service.

The advantages of OFDM over other wireless technologies include the following:

1. OFDM is more reliable than other wireless technologies because it uses orthogonal signals. This allows the system to tolerate more noise and interference than conventional systems.

2. OFDM offers high data capacity due to its use of multiple channels. This allows for greater throughput in large networks and better performance in dense deployments.

3. OFDM is less impactful on the environment than other wireless technologies. It has lower energy requirements and less environmental impact when installed.

OUR FPV Accessories

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  • Input Voltage: 7-36V DC;2-8S 
  • Output Voltage: 5V 1A
  • 12V Input Current: 80mA@Pitmode, 190mA@25mW, 230mA@200mW,
  • 530mA@1600mW
  • Channels: 9CH (1060MHz-1380MHz) 
  • Power: PIT/25/200/1600/mW 
  • Antenna connector: SMA
  • Dimensions: 45.5*35.6*11.5 mm; 30.5*30.5mm(hole)
  • Weight: 22g

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1.2G/1.3G 2W FPV VTX Long Range Video Transmitter

  • Item: 1.2G VTX 2000mW
  • Input Voltage: 7-36V DC;2-8S 
  • Output Voltage: 5V 1A
  • 12V Input Current: 235mA@Pitmode, 360mA@25mW,  880mA@2000mW,
  • Channels: 9CH (1060MHz-1380MHz) 
  • Power: PIT/25/2000/mW
  • Antenna connector: MMCX 
  • Smart Audio: IRC-tramp 
  • Shell Material: Aluminum
  • Dimensions: 37.7*36.1*11 mm; 30.5*30.5mm(hole) 
  • Weight: 16g

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1.2G 800mW FPV VTX Long Range Video Transmitter 1.2GHz – 1.3GHz for FPV Drones

  • Item: 1.2G VTX 800mW
  • Input Voltage: 7-36V DC;2-8S 
  • Output Voltage: 5V 1A
  • 12V Input Current: 80mA@Pitmode, 170mA@25mW, 210mA@200mW, 380mA@800mW
  • Channels: 9CH (1060MHz-1380MHz) 
  • Power: PIT/25/200/800/mW  
  • Antenna connector: SMA
  • Dimensions: 45.5*35.6*11.5 mm; 30.5*30.5mm(hole)
  • Weight: 21g

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4.9G 1.6W FPV VTX Long Range Video Transmitter

  • Item: 4.9G/1.6W FPV VTX 
  • Input Voltage: 7-36V DC;2-8S 
  • Output Voltage: 5V 1A
  • 12V Input Current: 180mA@Pitmode, 200mA@25mW, 330mA@400mW,
  • 410mA@800mW, 620mA@1600mW
  • Channels: 8CH (4990MHz-5200MHz)
  • Power: PIT/25/400/800/1600 mW 
  • Antenna connector: MMCX 
  • Smart Audio: IRC-tramp
  • Shell Material: Aluminum
  • Dimensions: 37.7*36.1*9.5 mm; 30.5*30.5mm(hole)
  • Weight: 15.8g

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