Optical Fiber FPV Drone Kit 0.5mm 0.6mm 2km 3km 5km 10km 15km 20km internal wiring UAV Fibre Optic Image Data Module ABS Optical Communication RC

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Optical Fiber FPV Drone Kit internal wiring

  • 1. Outer diameter: 0.26 0.3 0.35 mm
  • 2. Attenuation coefficient: attenuation under the wavelength of optical signal 1310nm is less than 0.35 dB/km, and under the wavelength of optical signal 1550nm, attenuation is less than 0.21 dB/km.
  • 3. Tensile strength: >60N (ordinary) + 120 N (high-end).
  • 4. Bending radius: 5 mm.
  • 5. Density: slightly negative buoyancy.
  • 6. Maximum laying distance: >20 km.

Technical Parameters

Inner fiber core’s size parameters
ProjectTechnical indicators
Mode field diameter (at 1310nm)(8 .60±0 .40)  μm
Mode field diameter (at 1550nm)(9 .80±0 .50)  μm
Cladding diameter( 125 .0±0 .7 )  μm
Coaxiality error of the package≤0 .5 μm
Cladding roundness​ ≤ 1 .0 %
Coating diameter(245±10)  μm
Coating-cladding concentric ity error​ ≤ 10 μm
Cutoff wavelength of the fiber core
The cut-off wavelength of 2-meter coated opticalfiber λc( nm )1150 ≤ λc ≤ 1330
The maximum value of the cut-off wavelength (cc)for a 22-meter cabled optical fiber(  nm )1260
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